Tuesday, November 15, 2016

And yet... we are here

And here we are. The sun shines, the earth revolves, the supermoon occurred.
God is still on His throne.
Which leads me to address: In all of the commentaries of those who love Hillary or those who love Trump, I heard one voice that actually took objection to those of us who said God is in control.
I would have to think that they thought we meant that God was a fan of Donald Trump, and he may or may not be. After all, David was a man after his heart and he was far from sinless.
What we or at least I meant is that God's ultimate plan will not be thwarted. Evil may win for a season but it will not triumph. When I say God is in control, I am not being fatalistic. I do not mean to say that whatever happens was meant to be. What I do mean is that God is the one who allows.
To oversimplify, he allows things that go against him. If we only knew why that would be great but we do not. We do know that whatever evil is imparted will ultimately betray itself and end up landing right in the middle of God's final plan. So to struggle against or deny God cannot succeed in the end. So take heed      

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