Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pondering Life

I just read that Dr. Alan Day had a fatal motorcycle accident. I know a lot of folks will curse the perils of the sport of motorcycle riding. I grew up on a motorcycle so, I, like Dr. Day have a healthy respect, yet not terror of motorcycles. I remember the freedom and relaxation of those rides as a teen. Now I love scuba and water skiing. Of course any of these things can be fatal if just the right thing happens at just the right time. But I have often thought, "What a way to go!"
Imagine riding along with the breeze rushing across your face, and then you are suddenly face to face with Jesus. I can see myself swimming in the sea at fifty feet, among the most beautiful of God's creation and then in a moment; I am at the feet of Jesus!
The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. So hats off to Dr. Day who like Elijah went to Jesus while fully enjoying the life he was given. I'll bet he was praying as he rode.

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