Monday, September 29, 2014

My family had a relaxing Saturday at the beach with the family for my husband's annual work picnic.
His company provided activities, food and fun all at their expense.
All they asked was for participants to make reservations and to cancel if attendance plans changed.
Oddly only half of the folks that reserved a spot actually came.
This meant that the cost per person to the company was double.

It amazes me that the appreciation for a gift is so low. Here we have someone (albeit it a profitable company) who is giving a gift, under no obligation to do so, for the enjoyment of the associate and their family. The company's only agenda is the happiness and morale of the associate. And yet the respect for the company (or probably anyone for that matter) is so low that they feel entitled to sign up for a ticket and then just decide that morning, "I think I won't go after all." 
One could make the argument that something came up that could not be avoided. And for a few that may have been the case. But not half.

That means almost half of the ticket holders are so selfish that their agenda is all that matters.

That reminds me of a biblical story. I think in that case the host just went out and got some street people to fill the vacancies.

The stories also reminds me of the Book of  Hebrews in the New Testament.
We have those that heard about Jesus, came to him in faith and followed Him with their lives, even to martyrdom. 
And those that heard with interest and yet did not put trust and faith in Him but merely agreed with the premise.
And of course those that heard and did not care at all.

See the parallel.
The ticket holders who came.
The ticket holders who did not come, something better came up.
And the guys that did not even sign up.

Which one are you?
Will you be entering His rest? Will it be too late to commit your life to Him? Or will you just ignore Him?
I had a ticket and I went, I ate, I swam, I went down the slide. I participated 
I have Jesus and I am going!


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