Wednesday, July 28, 2010


There never seems to be enough time to get it all in. Personal...Work...Devotional. Always active never coming to completion.I have made color coded calendars. I have set don't forget to take care of yourself goals. I have organized to just find my order fulfill the law of thermo-dynamics.

I am beginning to think it is all a myth. That people who regularly go to the gym, eat perfectly, have a tidy desk etc. just need more to do.I would like to give up but the neurotic me cannot. I still desire ORDER. I still want to be thin. I can't even blog regularly.
So I ate a Sonic burger and a diet coke for lunch. I am going to address my OU/OSU calendars and then get the stuff I took out of the closet to make room for my niece put away and if GOD wills get my garage ready to paint. I still need to fold towels and clean the shop. So much for self. Although, I am very fulfilled when it gets done. So who knows maybe work is more relaxing than Yoga to some of us more.............uncentered folks. If you read this you are welcome to pray for me to become a balanced individual. Or you can buy me a session with Caesar Milan.  

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