I issued myself a cease and desist order from watching the election marathon.This gifted me more time to think. Over the years, political corruption has grown to mammoth proportions on both sides of the aisle. How did we get there? Where is the valiant warrior? Who will save us? Why? Why? Why? is the common outcry. With hands wringing and the brows expressing worry we watch. But I ask how did it get here? When did it all begin?
Was it when we lied the first time to get out of a jam and then explained our actions as acceptable? Was it when we took office supplies or made copies for personal use with the company supplies or shut down 15 minutes before we were off the clock? Was it when we gossipped about others rather than going to them to settle whatever our issues were? Was it when we disrespected parents rather than loving and bearing their shortfalls as they did ours. Was it when we did not honor and respect our husbands or love our wives? Was it when we refused to forgive? Was it when we felt above another? Was it when we let anger abuse another? Was it when we decided to dislike an entire segment of the population due to the actions of some? Was it when we let teen magazines tell us a simple solution to our pregnancy that could make it all go away? Was it when we blamed other for our bad actions? How many years did the excuses work before we fell in deep repentance about how evil we had become? Or are we still making them? Are we still doing those things and maybe more and perhaps worse?
When did we decide it was ok to kill steal and destroy for our own gain, pleasure, escape or elevation?
Was it when we decided that God should fit our mold? When did we decide the creator of all was an offense and should be renamed, reidentified or reconfigured into a warped view of what we want him to be. Is God subject to our thoughts, to what we want to be okay or not okay? When did the creator of all become subject to us?.
Do we seek God? Or do we simply pray for peace, wellness, and prosperity? Do we care what he says or are we content to tell him what we want?
I believe the government officials are sadly a reflection of us. They are a magnified view of us.
Search me, Oh God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!
Judges17:6 Proverbs 16:25 Psalm 139:23,24